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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

“Every child, every chance, every day.”


At Holy Trinity C of E Primary School we pride ourselves on our excellent behaviour. We believe that the Christian Values we promote contribute positively to behaviour within our school and helps pupils develop the skills needed to become fantastic role models both in school and the community. 


Our Expectations


We expect adults and children in our school to:

· Be polite and courteous at all time

· Be kind to others

· Show respect for their own and school property

· Be prepared to co-operate in all aspects of school life

· Share resources and equipment

· Show respect for each other

· Take responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others


Learning Behaviours


In order to create long life learners  we will provide

opportunities for pupils to develop the following learning behaviours:

  • Early Years – Cooperation, Inquisitiveness, Independence
  • Phase 1 – Making Links, Risk Taking, Problem Solving
  • Phase 2 – Resilience, Reflection, Perseverance, Collaboration


Christian Values

As a Church of England school we will promote the following Christian Values: Responsibility, Friendship, Caring, Consideration, Respect, Honesty, Peace,



HT Halos


Alongside weekly reading rewards and praise certificates, pupils will have the opportunity to earn Holy Trinity currency – HT Halos. Halos will be awarded to pupils who demonstrate identified learning behaviours and / or Christian values. Halos can then be used to buy a variety of rewards from the ‘Halo Exchange.


Good to be Green


If at any time a pupil’s behaviour is  wrong they will be given a   number of chances to put it right. It is their own responsibility to choose to do the right thing.

Chance 1: A non verbal reminder. This could be a look or an action which will remind them of what they need to do.

Chance 2:  A verbal reminder. A member of staff will tell them what they need to do. A blue ‘Stop and Think’ card will be displayed on their chart.

Chance 3. A yellow warning card will be issued indicating that 5 mins of playtime/lunchtime will be lost. 

Chance 4.  A red consequence card will be given and playtime will be spent with a member of staff.


Children who consistently demonstrate excellent behaviour (by following school rules and ensuring they do not receive yellow or red cards) will be rewarded at the end of each term with 'Bonus HT Halos'meaning they have the potential to earn 150 bonus HT Halos throughout the year!


Bottom Liners

Hurting another pupil with words or actions or ignoring what an adults asks you to do will not be tolerated. Anybody doing any of these things will go straight to a member of SLT. This will result in HT Halos being withdrawn. The Head teacher and the child’s parents will be informed.


In some extreme cases it may be necessary to suspend or exclude a pupil. (Please see our Behaviour and Exclusion Policy)



You have the right to learn in a safe and happy environment.


You have the responsibility to make sure that you behave in a way that  allows teachers to teach and other pupils to learn in a safe and happy  environment.



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Both of our e-safety pages have been revamped and can be found under the parents and children tabs on the menu bar.