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Primary School

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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

“Every child, every chance, every day.”

School Improvement

Improvement Priorities 2022 / 2023


  • Further improve the quality of provision, teaching, learning and outcomes in writing across the school. 
  • Further improve the quality of provision, teaching, learning and outcomes in reading across the school.  

  • Continue to improve attainment in phonics. 

  • Further improve the quality of provision, teaching and learning and outcomes for pupils with additional needs.

  • Further develop challenge for all ability groups in core subjects, History and Geography.

  • Further enhance provision and quality of teaching and learning for speaking and listening across the curriculum.

  • Review pedagogy (Y1-6) and ensure a highly consistent approach throughout  school. (Added December 2022).

  • Improve attendance to pre covid levels. 

  • Continue to Improve punctuality. 


  •  Further enhance pupils learning/ social behaviours to increase independence. 
  • Further develop the breadth of the curriculum, preparing pupils for the next stage of their education and life in modern Britain.
  • Further increase levels of support / challenge provided by /to leaders.

  • Further develop links with local schools / providers, places of faith and companies.     



Three Year Plan

3 year Overview 






Vision Statements 

Threads running through the SIP 

Outdoor learning 

Parental engagement 

Use of technology 

Staff as learners  

Improve outcomes for boys and disadvantaged pupils 

Quality of Education 





Speaking and listening 


Further improve outcomes in reading (ARE/GDS) 

Improve attainment in phonics  

Refine processes for the teaching of writing (including extended, independent writing and writing for pleasure) 

Refine writing moderation process 

Further improve outcomes in writing (ARE/GDS) 

Develop opportunities for cross curricular application of maths skills 

Further improve provision / outcomes for SEND pupils (Including foundation subjects) 

Improve provision and outcomes for ICT, Art and DT 

Further develop provision in PE, RE and Music 

Challenge for MA in Sc, H & G 

15-hour tuition provision for identified pupils (R, W and M) 


Ensure outcomes in R, W & M are above national at the end of KS2. 

Ensure science outcomes at the end of KS2 are at least in line with national averages 

Embed opportunities for outdoor learning. Further improve outcomes for high needs SEND pupils 

Further develop quality, quantity and organisation of resources, effectively supporting T&L across the curriculum. 

Outcomes for boys and disadvantaged pupils to be at least in line with national for girls and non-disadvantaged respectively 

Further refine tracking processes for progresses 

Refine Core curriculum further developing depth 

Develop the use of pupils as ‘experts’ to support teaching and learning 



Further develop range of opportunities for developing speaking and listening 

Maintain strong outcomes at the end of KS2 in R, W and M 

Ensure science outcomes at the end of KS2 are above national averages 

Maintain strong outcomes for boys and disadvantaged pupils 

Ensure progress measure across the school are strong for cohorts and groups. 

Refine foundation curriculum further developing depth 

Embed the use of pupils as ‘experts’ to support teaching and learning 


Pupils have a secure understanding and use of oral and written English 

All pupils make accelerated progress across all core subjects 

Teaching and learning areas and resources, including the outdoors, are of a high quality and meet the needs of all pupils 

Overall attainment at the end of KS2 is above national averages in reading, writing, maths and science. Attainment for different groups of pupils is also above national averages 

Overall progress measures across the school is above the national averages in reading, writing and maths. Progress for different groups of pupils is also above national averages 

A broad and balanced spiral curriculum with depth is accessible to all pupil. 

Provision provides access to a wide range of experiences on which learning can be ‘hung’ 

Parents are well supported in supporting their children 

Staff and pupils alike share their skills and experiences to support teaching and learning. 

Behaviour and Attitudes Attendance / punctuality 

Explicit teaching of learning behaviours 


 Developing staff / pupils’ understanding of use of learning behaviours across the curriculum and outside of curriculum time  

Further develop whole school nurturing approach  

Embed pupil coaching as a strategy to support LA/ SEND pupils  

Embedding of identified drivers to support curriculum design and delivery – spirituality, questioning and possibilities 

Improve attendance / punctuality to levels at least in line with 18/19 academic year. 

Revision of homework policies / procedures 

Application of learning behaviours across the school / learning  

Embed pupil coaching as a strategy for peer-to-peer support 

Embed whole school nurturing approach embedding of homework policies / procedures 

Pupil conferencing to influence flexible aspects of curriculum design 

Ensure pupils have behaviours, attitudes and skills to undertake independent learning over time. 

Provide pupils with opportunities to pursue own interests / learning within the set curriculum 


A curriculum that has possibilities, enquiry and spirituality at its heart and provides pupils with opportunities to pursue their own interests as well as apply basic skills 

Pupils and adults alike develop and apply strong learning behaviours 


Personal Development  

Further development of whole child - Current affairs / Life skills learning 

Diversity and equality 


Develops pupils’ passion to get involved with current affairs – including environmental issues on a local level, national and international level (in line with geography curriculum) 

 Develop opportunities for 'Life Skill Learning' 

—financial, cooking, gardening 

Embed strategies for independence, self-reflection, collaboration, research 

Diversity & Equality Quality Mark? 

Further refine RHE curriculum 

Development of outdoor environment to provide further opportunities for physical activity  

Develop pupils understanding of how individuals contribute to a community 

Further develop pupils understanding and application of keeping themselves safe in the real world and online. 

Develop range and frequency of extracurricular activities 


Embed opportunities for pupils to develop life skills - financial, cooking, gardening 

Embed a culture that pupils actively / passionately engage with current affairs 

Further develop the range and frequency of extra-curricular opportunities 

Develop links with outside providers for extra- curricular activities 


Embed a broad programme of extra-curricular activities across the school 

Further develop opportunities for pupils to engage with local, national and international current affairs 

A desire in pupils and adults alike to continually learn and improve  

Opportunities for pupils and adults alike to develop strengths and interests, fulfilling their potential through self- reflection, collaboration and research 

Life skills are taught as part of the curriculum. These include financial understanding, relationship education, cooking and gardening 

A wide range of extra-curricular activities support pupils’ development and interests  

A good range of play and exercise opportunities / facilities supports the physical development of pupils of all ages 

Pupils develop an appreciation of their local, national and international environment and how to preserve it. 

Pupils develop an age-appropriate understanding of threats in everyday life including drugs, gangs, criminality, on line safety and poverty. They develop a desire and the skills to overcome these threats. 


Leadership and Management  

Impact of UPR staff 

Links within the community including other schools 

Governance - challenge 


Embed lines of communication / accountability 

Embed roles of specialist support staff  

Further develop the individual ability of governors to challenge and hold the executive leadership to account  

Embed policies and procedures to enhance pupil and staff wellbeing 

Further develop UPR Roles 

Temporary TLR Roles used with good effect 

Embed revised monitoring cycle - high challenge / low threat 

Develop links with local high schools  

Ensure three / five year financial / premise plans are in place 

Further develop challenge of senior leaders 

Investigate possible provision for 2-year-olds, 30-hour provision, provision for families with pre-school children 


Develop links with local services / industries 

Further develop challenge of middle leaders Embed learning opportunities for adults including through self-reflection, collaboration and research 

Further develop the coordinated approach of the governing body to challenge and hold the executive leadership to account especially in terms of outcomes 

Widen provision / opportunities for families with pre-school age children 

Further develop the coordinated approach of the governing body to challenge and hold the executive leadership to account including in terms of spending and outcomes of groups 

Robust procedures for induction, retention and (building next generation!) of governors in place 

Continue to strengthen links with local schools, services and industries 

Further widen (or embed) provision / opportunities for families with pre-school age children 


A desire in pupils and adults alike to continually learn and improve 

 Pupils and adults alike develop and apply strong learning behaviours 

Appropriate levels of challenge lead to high aspirations by all and for all 

A desire in all to continually learn and improve 

Opportunities for pupils and adults alike to develop strengths and interests, fulfilling their potential through self- reflection, collaboration and research 

Governors maintain a strategic focus on improving provision and outcomes for pupils, holding the executive leadership to account 

The safe use of up-to-date technology supports teaching, learning and the wider school functions 

Nurture and ambition for all pupils is at heart of the school’s work. 

Peer to peer support is effective in improving teaching and learning. 

Communication between pupils, parents and staff is effective in supporting pupils’ development 

Wide range of opportunities are accessible to pupils and their families by developing strong links with local industries, services and schools. 

Wrap around care is effective in supporting working / disadvantaged families 



Quality of Early Years Education 

(To be  

developed through Action Plan) Embed current policies and practices – curriculum, assessment (baseline), language acquisition 

Increase GLD to be at least in line with national average 

Increase % of pupils attaining ELGs in reading and writing at the end of Rec to at least national averages 

Close the gender gap in identified areas – SSM, LA, U, S, MF&B, MR 

Embed an assessment system to work alongside the revised curriculum and ways of working in EY.  

Embed the revised Holy Trinity EY Curriculum 

Further develop pupils' early acquisition of language  

Embed procedures for Rec Baseline 

Continue to narrow the gender gap in identified areas – SSM, LA, U, S, MF&B, MR 


EYFS electronic system – improve efficient of tracking and data analysis. 


Further develop robust procedures for the assessment & teaching of early language 

Widen provision / opportunities for families with pre-school age children 

Develop range of extra-curricular activities for pupils in EYFS 

Refine curriculum and assessment procedures. 

Further widen (or embed) provision / opportunities for families with pre-school age children 


NB. All vision statements are a thread running through the whole school including Early Years 

Christian Distinctiveness 

(To be developed through Action Plan) 

Embed opportunities for pupils to plan, lead and evaluate collective worship 

Continue to Increase breadth of Anglican Rituals, Symbolism and practice 

Further develop RE teaching using SACRE and UC – how things relate to our lives and how religion impacts on faith groups 

Develop staff / pupil understanding how the Christian vision and values should be lived out in our school life 

Further develop staff / pupil understanding of the school verse 

Further develop the physical environment as a Christian school.  

Further develop links with HT church to establish consistency with delivery of CW 


Develop links with a broader range of places of worship 

Further develop individual opportunities for pupils to reflect and pray 



Focus taken from outcome of possible SIAMS inspection late 23/24. 


Links with the local places of worship are strong. 

Links with Holy Trinity church are effective in developing a strong Christian distinctiveness and ethos within school. 

Christian values underpin the work of the school. 


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