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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

“Every child, every chance, every day.”

Remote Provision

Here you will find information about our current Remote Learning offer.  We understand that remote learning can be a daunting and often frustrating task and, in recognition of this, believe we have come up with an offer that will hopefully support the challenges that parents currently face. 


Our aim is that children continue to receive a high quality education that enables pupils to learn and apply new skills and consolidate previous learning in appropriate and engaging ways. All lessons are planned in line with school Long Term Plans with in school provision and remote learning being the same. 


In the event of full school, Year group or class closures, pupils will have daily contact with their class teacher and class mates through live registration, where expectations and short burst teaching activities will take place. All new learning will be taught through a modelled video which allows pupils to re watch should they need further consolidation. Year group teams (teachers and support staff) will frequently monitor Google classrooms for questions from children and to offer help and support should they need it - this gives pupils the opportunity to develop independence and responsibility for their learning and hopefully eliminates the need for parents to 'teach' or 'home school'. 


Please see the below documents for further information. 


Remote Learning Provision and Policy

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Both of our e-safety pages have been revamped and can be found under the parents and children tabs on the menu bar.