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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

“Every child, every chance, every day.”

Quality Mark Reports

We are proud to say that we have achieved the Quality Mark for Basic Skills and Early Years in our school.


What is the Quality Mark?


The Quality Mark aims to focus educational organisations to undertake effective self-evaluation and continuous improvement for English and mathematics, which drives better outcomes for pupils, their families and society.

The Quality Mark Framework has been developed in consultation with Local authorities, Multi Academy Trusts, practitioners and educational experts to provide a framework to promote, support and celebrate the improvement of English and mathematics from early years, through to Further Education Providers. It offers a pathways for each phase based on the unique offer of each stage of development of our young people. 

As well as driving continuous improvement and celebrating excellence through its Award, the Quality Mark also acts as a guide for the improvement journey for settings identified as needing improvement, offering settings bespoke support, advice and guidance from credible and highly skilled Improvement Specialists


Read our reports below. 

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