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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

“Every child, every chance, every day.”

Links with our Church


The School was founded by the Church of England in 1843 and we still have strong links with Holy Trinity Parish Church. The Vicar is a regular visitor to the school and supports collective worship. Other local clergy and church groups join us for collective worship from time to time.

We take the children to the church for special Services at Harvest, Christmas and Easter. Parents and church members are always invited to join us.

At times classes visit the church as part of their R.E. Studies.

Members of the church support the school through prayer, attending school events and through donations.

Three members of the church serve on the Governing Body.

Collective Worship

We have an act of collective worship each day. This is of a broadly Christian character but is presented in a way that emphasises universal moral principles and that will enable children of all faiths to feel included. Links are made with the personal and social education themes.

During each week there is a range of collective worship including whole school, separate key stage one and key stage two and also within each classroom. Each term the children visit Holy Trinity Church for a special worship celebration.

Children are encouraged to participate in collective worship through playing musical instruments, leading prayers, singing and at times taking part in role play.

Parents do have the right to withdraw their children. Please inform the Head Teacher so that appropriate supervision and provision may be arranged. 

Our Christian Values

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