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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

“Every child, every chance, every day.”

Year 6

Welcome Year 6 and parents!


For those of you who missed our Meet the Teachers at the beginning of the year, we have created a power point with useful information. Just click the document below.


If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.


Miss. Geddes and Mr. Taylor

Y6 Meet the Teacher

Help for pupils in their transition- a short video. Also please check your new high schools website for information.

Links to online resources.

Below are a variety of links to various online learning resources, Children will be familiar with these programmes as they are used in in the classroom Please uses these links daily to practise reading, times tables and maths skills. 


Bug Club:

The school code is h733


If you are having any issues logging into Times Tables Rockstars or if your child has lost their login then please contact Miss. Geddes or Mr. Taylor for support. 
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Both of our e-safety pages have been revamped and can be found under the parents and children tabs on the menu bar.