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Primary School

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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

“Every child, every chance, every day.”

Collective Worship

This half term we will be focussing on  the Christian value of Honesty. 


Verses for the half term: 

You shall not give false testimony against your neighbour"

Exodus 20:15-16 


Good people will be guided by honesty. But dishonesty will destroy those who are not trustworthy.   

Proverbs 11:3


Gathering call and response:

Call: We meet in the name of God  

Response :God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit; God is one.  


Sending call and response:

Call: May the Lord bless us and watch over us  

Response: Amen




Collective Worship - Summer term 2024


Monday  - Collective Worship led by a member of Holy Trinity church -Mr Robbie (Our local Vicar from Holy Trinity church) or Ms Morrow (Assistant Pastor)


Tuesday - Collective Worship led by a member of the Senior Leadership Team 


Wednesday - Praise Assembly for Phase 2 / Class Worship and Picture News Phase 1 and EYFs


Thursday - Worship through song


Friday - Praise Assembly for phase 1 and EYFS/ Phase 2 Class Worship and Picture News

Here is a website where you can find some family worship to join in with at home:

Link to Holy Trinity Church Toddler group activities

If you have younger children at home, they might enjoy watching these videos from Holy Trinity Church:



What is prayer? It just means talking to God. Christians believe that you can pray to God at any time, and anywhere. It says in the book of Thessalonians chapter 5v16-18:

"Always be happy.  Never stop praying.  Give thanks whatever happens. That is what God wants for you in Christ Jesus."

You can talk to God wherever you are, about whatever you are doing, you can thank him for things, and you can bring your worries to him. It doesn't matter what words you use, he will always be listening. You can also use a written prayer to talk to God. There are some examples of written prayers on this page you can use.

Lunch Time Prayers

Here are the prayers we use at lunchtime in school. You can use them at home too!

Home Time Prayers

Here are the prayers we use at home time in school. You can use them at home too!

The Lord's Prayer

This is a prayer that Jesus taught his disciples. You can find it in the Bible by looking in Luke chapter 11 v 1-4.


The Grace

This is a prayer that Christians often use in church. You can use it at home too!

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