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Primary School

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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

“Every child, every chance, every day.”

Year 4

Parent Meeting 


Our meet the teacher meeting was held on Wednesday 14th September. It was great to see so many parents there. If you were unable to attend, you can access the slides with all the information that was given out below.




Have a look at these lessons from Oak National Academy on understandind poetry and writing a poem.

Reading and Writing a news report

Please go to the link below to complete a series of lessons on writing a news report.


Use the following resources to explore Ancient Egypt. 

Can you write fact sheets with the information you have found? 

Could you go back into the past and think about what it was like to live during Ancient Egyptian times?


One of our History topics is 'Settlements'. Before the lockdown, we started exploring The Stone Age and how they settled in Britain. We thought you could do some more exploring on Settlements, how people travelled and how they decided where to live. There are 6 PowerPoints and Activities for each lesson. 


We had come to the end of our unit of Sound, so to help you, we have uploaded our new unit of Living Things and their Habitats. There are 6 lessons which have Powerpoints and activities. 



Summer Term 2: Pentecost

Our question for Summer Term 2 is: "After Jesus left, what was the impact of Pentecost?"

To learn about the first Pentecost, watch the video  and the powerpoint below. Then read the sheet and answer the questions about Pentecost.


Draw a picture of what happened on the first Pentecost. You could draw speech or thought bubbles coming from the different characters to show what they might have been thinking or saying.

Summer 1: Islam and Ramadan

Our question for Summer 1 was 'What are the 5 pillars of Islam?' Use the activities below to learn about the 5 pillars and the holy month of Ramadan.

Now look at this powerpoint, and answer the questions  on the sheet.

One of the pillars of Islam is Sawm which means fasting. Muslims fast (go without food) during the month of Ramadan. 

Go to the bitesize website below and watch the video to find out more about Ramadan:



Now try the activities below:

Why not make a poster all about Ramadan or the 5 pillars and decorate it with Islamic pictures and symbols?

Also, look in the comprehension section for a reading activity about Ramadan.

Don't forget to send us photos of any work you have done or things you have learned in RE.

PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)

See the link below from the Oak National Academy to go to a fun lesson all about how you could become a leader!

Here is the second lesson in the series on leading the country during coronavirus:



Have a look at these websites which have lots of songs to sing along to at home. Try teaching your families as well!



Even if we have to be indoors a the moment, it's still important to exercise and keep fit! Here's a really good way to do it: get your whole family exercising with Joe Wicks on the link below:


Miss Monk has made some videos of fun physical activities you can do while at home. Click on the link below to go to the videos.


Don't forget to keep going with our class blog! It's a great way to keep in touch with your classmates when we can't all be together.

Your log in for the blog should be in your reading record, but if you've lost or forgotten it, send your teacher an email on the address above and we can get it for you.

Mr Dowen's programming challenge- visit the class blog to see an exciting challenge that Mr Down has set up for you!


Please also look under the computing tab at the top of the page for further actvities you can do in computing.


Other Useful links for learning

The Twinkl Home learning Hub

This website has lots of ideas and activities and a suggested daily timetable to help structure your learning at home.



BBC bitesize

Here you can find lessons on many different subjects to support the learning you are doing at home.

Oak Academy

The Oak Academy website has a variety of lessons on different subjects you can access for free.


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Both of our e-safety pages have been revamped and can be found under the parents and children tabs on the menu bar.