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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

“Every child, every chance, every day.”


At Holy Trinity C of E our  governing body has a strong focus on three core strategic functions:


a) Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction,


b) Holding the executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, the performance management of staff; and


c) Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent


These core functions underpin the work that they do and the way that they carry out that work.


Governing Body Membership

2024/2025 Academic Year


H.Morrow - Chair of Governors


N. Robbie - Foundation Governor


J. Corbett - Head Teacher


N.Bolton - Co-opted Governor

H. Bloxham - Co-opted Governor

C. Pegler - Co-opted Governor

B Pinnock - Co-opted Governor


S. Dhesi - Parent Governor

S Un-Nessa - Parent Governor


K. Sokhi - Staff Governor








Committee Structure

 There are currently two main committees that sit beneath the governing body. Each committee has specific responsibilities and its own members.

Standards and Curriculum Committee

This committee has responsibility delegated by the governing board to:


Review/approve all policies relevant to the curriculum and roles of the committee


Ø Review information on school performance to include ASP & OFSTED data


Ø Monitor and review school targets.

Ø Monitor and review in year progress for all year groups and all groups of pupils.

Ø Compare school performance against national data.

Ø Reporting to parents according to statutory requirements.

Ø Monitor achievement for all groups of pupils (inc. pupil premium/COVID19 catch


Ø Monitor pupils work and carry out pupil conversations.

Ø Monitor school target setting systems and how this is reported to parents.


Teaching and Learning:

Ø Review data published by DfE ensuring the school is meeting standards.

Ø Ensure support & action plans are in place for all teachers who are not at least


Ø Monitor and review quality of teaching across the school.

Ø Monitor teaching for groups of pupils (inc. pupil premium/COVID19 catch up).

Ø Monitor intervention groups for all groups of pupils.

Ø Monitor homework arrangements.

Ø Ensure school promotes the cultural development of pupils through spiritual,

moral, cultural, mental and physical development.

Ø Review and approve the arrangements and policy for supporting pupils at school

with medical conditions and ensure that statutory guidance is followed.


Ø Ensure the school is meeting national curriculum requirements and review the

curriculum policy statement ensuring it meets pupils’ needs.

Ø Monitor and review the curriculum with a focus on basic skills.

Ø Monitor skills coverage of curriculum in all subjects.

Ø Parental engagement.

Ø Review and update SEF (self-evaluation form).

Ø Monitor and review school improvement plan.

Ø Ensure statutory guidance is followed and review and approve the RSHE policy.

Ø Ensure the school meets its statutory obligations in respect of Equality, including

the approval of an accessibility plan.

Ø Publish equality objectives every four years and annually publish information

demonstrating the aims of the Equality Duty.


Behaviour and attendance:

Ø Review behaviour policy and written statement of behaviour principles. Ø Review attendance policy.

Ø Monitor school behaviour. Ø Review and monitor attendance data against school and national targets. Any item referred by the full governing board


Resources Committee

This committee has responsibility delegated by the governing board to:


Ø Review/approve all policies relevant to finance and roles of the committee.

Ø Approve the annual budget and present it to the full governing board for


Ø Review the actual expenditure and monitoring statements at least once a term.

Ø Receive & review financial projections.

Ø Review Pupil Premium/ PE& Sports Premium and COVID19 Catch Up Premium

and ensure impact statements are published on the school’s website.

Ø Approve expenditure and virements of sums over £5,000, sums below that

amount are delegated to the Head Teacher/Principal.

Ø Conform to the Schools Financial Value Standards in Schools

Ø Assess the financial progress towards achieving the objectives in the school

improvement plan.

Ø Review of leases and contracts – including traded services.

Ø Ensure Best Value principles apply.

Ø Review the financial implications on the budget of the pay and conditions


Ø Receive the annual accounts and certificate of audit of the school fund account

and other voluntary funds held within school.

Ø Assess the school’s insurance cover to ensure that it provides adequate

protection against risks.

Ø Review and approve internal financial procedures and controls.

Ø Ensure LA/academy financial procedures are complied with. This is to include:

Ø A Cost Centre Group Report or Account Summary Report (or equivalent )

Ø A Virement Report, Ø A copy of the latest Suspense File ( non-cheque book and EPA schools only)

Ø A system report showing cumulative expenditure of £10,000 or more with an individual supplier. Note: This must not be restricted to an individual financial year and may cross a number of financial years

Ø Ensure requirements for the tendering process are followed and comply with the EU Procurement Threshold. The tender limit for the European Threshold currently being £189,330 for supplies and services, and £4,733,252 for works.

Ø Obtain quotations with a view to placing contracts/orders, once the relevant committee has drawn up a specification. Staffing:

Ø Review/approve all policies relevant to staffing and roles of the committee.

Ø Consider applications from staff for variation to contract (secondments, early retirements, leave of absence, reduced working hours etc). Refer to local policy guidance.

Ø Ensure all personnel records are held securely.

Ø Review the staffing structure of the school annually ensuring that it meets the requirements of the curriculum and is in line with the school improvement plan.

Ø Review staff work/life balance, working conditions and well-being, including the monitoring of absence.

Ø Implement the appraisal policy and monitor teacher appraisal process.

Ø Equal Opportunities.

Ø Establish and maintain rolling programme for Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Checks.

Ø Staff training and CPD.

Ø Review staff pay progression in accordance with the pay policy and annual appraisal cycle. NB. delete if GB have a pay committee Premises Health and Safety: NB. delete if school has separate Premises, Health and Safety Committee

Ø Review the health and safety policy on an annual basis, amend, develop and review any other health and safety related polices or procedures.

Ø Establish and review an accessibility plan.

Ø Review e-safety policy and procedures.

Ø Receive Health and safety audit, and monitor any action plans that come out of the audit.

Ø Ensure where the school provides school lunches and/or other school food and milk, this meets DfE standards.

Ø Receive a regular report on accident statistics, near misses, incidents of violence or aggression and any RIDDOR incidents. Ø Consider any reports provided by inspectors of the enforcing authority under Health and Safety at work Act or any other relevant enforcement authority.

Ø Comply with current fire safety legislation and regulations

Ø Ensure risk assessments are carried out and reviewed on a regular basis.

Ø Review and approve upcoming offsite activities, ensuring that health and safety planning and risk assessments have been undertaken for them.

Ø Ensure Fire risk assessment is carried out and reviewed annually, any recommendations identified will be transferred to an actions plan which will be monitored by governors to ensure completion.

Ø Ensure fire log book is maintained and updated.

Ø Inspect the school site and buildings to enable maintenance and improvement, including security (site visit). The inspection to be documented and any actions monitored.

Ø Ensure building related maintenance checks have been carried out at appropriate intervals and actions are monitored until completion. This will include but not limited to:

Ø Electronic testing – PAT testing

Ø Asbestos (where applicable)

Ø Annual gas service

Ø Glassing risk assessment

Ø Ladder log

Ø Playground equipment and gym inspection

Ø Lifting equipment

Ø Local exhaust ventilation (where applicable)

Ø Legionella risk assessment and relevant checks

Ø Ensure premise log book is being maintained by relevant site staff and have attended appropriate health and safety training.

Ø Governors need to be satisfied that contractors do not pose a health and safety risk whilst on the school premise and should therefore have a system in place to ensure contractors are managed whilst carrying out work on the school premise. The system should identify relevant health and safety information required prior to a contractor coming on site and the process to be followed whilst on site. There should be a procedure for commissioning contractors.

Ø Consideration should be given to any health, safety and welfare implications posed by new equipment or circumstances

Ø Receive reports and audits from health and safety representatives (to include caretaking and cleaning), actions identified should be monitored to completion.

Ø Health and safety self-monitoring return.

Ø Monitor the health and safety training that staff and governors have undertaken and plan any future training required. Ø Monitor all safeguarding procedures.

Ø Keep up to date on any changes in health and safety legislation that may have an impact for the school.

Ø Review communications and publicity relating to health and safety in the school and where necessary recommend any improvements or changes, how information is communicated and made available within the school. Any item referred by the full governing board


Committee Members



Neil Bolton - Chair

Helen Morrow

Hazel Bloxham

Jo Corbett

Sandeep Dhesi

S Un-Nessa

Chris Pegler

B Pinnock

Neil Robbie

Kavandeep Sokhi

Angela Whitmore - Governance Professional

Neil Robbie  - Chair

Hazel Bloxham

Chris Pegler

Joanne Corbett

Angela Whitmore - Governance Professional









Link Governors

Safeguarding/Child Protection Governor

Hazel Bloxham

SEND Governor

Hazel Bloxham/Chris Pegler

Health and Safety Governor

Neil Robbie /Sandeep Dhesi

Safer Recruitment Governor

Chris Pegler/Hazel Bloxham/ Neil Robbie/Helen Morrow/Neil Bolton/Jo Corbett/Sally Roberts


Link Governor Responsibilities



Hazel Bloxham

English (Writing – editing and drafting)

Helen Morrow


Hazel Bloxham

Early Years

Chris Pegler

Foundation Subjects (Art, DT, ICT, PE)

Sandeep Dhesi

Christian Distinctiveness / Developing Links with Community

Helen Morrow

Behaviour/Attitudes and Personal Development (to include attendance, wider curriculum and learning behaviour)

Helen Morrow

Staff Wellbeing/Leadership

Helen Morrow


Neil Bolton


Neil Bolton

Training/Skills Governor







Attendance at Meetings

Register of Interest

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