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Primary School

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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

“Every child, every chance, every day.”

Church school

At Holy Trinity we believe that all people are precious and honoured in God’s sight. From this belief comes a desire for all within our community to experience life in all its fullness, as promised by Jesus. We embrace the holistic development for all in our community so that they may flourish academically, emotionally, and spiritually.

All that we do is underpinned by the modelling and promotion of six core values. These are: Peace, Hope, Friendship, Respect, Honesty and Forgiveness.


We offer a vision of human flourishing for all, one that embraces excellence and academic rigor, but sets them in a wider framework.

Collective worship 


Our school holds a unique identity as a Church of England Primary School, with Collective worship being a focal point that underscores the Christian way of life. The daily gatherings for collective worship are integral to our school community, providing a space for coming together and sharing meaningful experiences. These sessions often involve the sharing of Bible stories, allowing us to collectively reflect on both the scriptures and life within our Church of England school.

Weekly, Collective worship is led by a member of Holy Trinity church, school staff, or students. The Worship Council actively contributes to the preparation and delivery of these daily sessions. Each school term revolves around a distinctive collective worship theme, intricately connected to our Christian values and the liturgical calendar.

Special services at Holy Trinity are conducted throughout the year, with different year groups taking the lead. Parents are warmly invited to join these occasions. Additionally, we take time each week for our 'Phase Praise Assembly,' where parents and visitors are not only welcome to participate in our collective worship but also to celebrate individual achievements.


Parents have the right to withdraw their child from collective worship. If a parent wishes to consider this option, the Head Teacher should be approached.


See Collective worship policy for more information Click here

Religious Education 


Our intent for our RE curriculum at Holy Trinity Primary School is driven by our vision statement. 


The locally agreed Sandwell SACRE syllabus for RE states that ‘The principal aim of religious education is to explore what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so that pupils can gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living.’ 

Our vision, working in partnership with the agreed syllabus, results in our intent for our curriculum. This is that children will experience life in all its fullness, by coming to a broad and varied knowledge of what different people believe. Through questioning, they will investigate how this impacts the way that they live, in order to understand better the lives and actions of those in the world around them. They will be enabled to link these beliefs and actions to their own ideas and ways of living in order to more fully understand their place within the world, and their own spirituality. As they gain and deploy the skills needed to evaluate texts, sources and wisdom and other evidence, they explore the possibilities that a life of faith holds for their own future. They learn to articulate their own personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences, while respecting the right of others to differ.   Our children will gain a strong knowledge of the beliefs of the Christian faith based on grasping the big story of the Bible and its associated theological concepts. They will understand how this impacts the lives of Christians and be able to make links to their own experience and ideas. In addition, they will also have knowledge of the basis of beliefs of Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism and Judaism, understand where these beliefs come from and the impact they have on the lives of believers. They will make links with their own beliefs and ideas and how these beliefs relate to Christian ideas.  

This knowledge and understanding will contribute to each child’s flourishing as an individual, as they gain a strong academic basis in RE, as well as the skills, abilities and attributes to use this knowledge to make a positive contribution to their own lives and to wider society. 


RE is taught as a discreet subject. Over each year, children will be taught 6 units. Four of these will be based on Christianity, and two will be based on other religions. For each unit, a big question is introduced to the children which they will have a chance to respond to in a pre-assessment task, so that the teacher can assess how much knowledge the children already have  and decide how to build on it.  Throughout the learning journey, children will answer little questions  which contribute to answering the big question at the end of a unit. Children will be given ample opportunity to ask and answer their own and others’ questions, engage in discussion and debate, and to respond in a range of ways to each little question, including through drama, art, DT and written responses. Vocabulary linked to the unit will be taught and rehearsed and used to express new learning.  

Experiences such as visiting places of worship or asking visitors questions about their faith perspective will contribute to children’s learning, as well as developing skills such as empathy, analysis of what is being said, questioning and making links with their own experience.  

As children move through the learning journey, they will be given quick quizzes to help them rehearse and recall what has already been learned and commit it to long term memory. Learning will always take place within the context of the big picture of each faith as children move through the school. 


Teachers will be expected to accurately assess each child’s level of attainment in RE each term, and these will be recorded and submitted to the RE co-ordinator, in order to monitor the progress of individuals, groups and cohorts in RE. Children’s attainment in RE will be reported to parents at the end of the school year in line with other academic subjects. 

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