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Primary School

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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

“Every child, every chance, every day.”

Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium? 


Pupil Premium is additional Government funding to raise achievement for disadvantaged children. It is to help schools to close the gap between children from low income families and other disadvantaged families and their peers.


Pupil Premium is for pupils from Reception to Year 11 who are from low income families and are eligible for Free School Meals. Any child that has been registered for Free School Meals over the past six years is eligible. Any children who are 'Looked After' or whose parents are in the armed forces are included and also attract another source of funding per child  for the school to use to support their development and learning.


At Holy Trinity, our aim is to give the best possible life chances to all our pupils by providing extra support to enable each child to make the required progress at each stage of their education.


To find out more about the Pupil Premium Funding follow this link to the DfE website.


HT Pupil Premium Policy


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