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Primary School

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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

“Every child, every chance, every day.”

Young Carers


Could your child be a young carer? 

Young Carers are children and young people aged 5 -18 who take on regular and on-going practical and or emotional caring responsibility for a family member eg parent, sibling, grandparent, who has a physical disability, chronic illness, mental health issues, alcohol / substance misuse or HIV / AIDS. 

The responsibility taken on by a young carer can and does vary in relation to the nature of the illness or disability. 

A young carer may take on responsibility for 

* Domestic tasks – including cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping, washing up, ironing 

* Personal care – including bathing, showering, toileting, help with mobility, lifting 

* Family responsibilities – including paying bills, supervise the cared for, supervise siblings, collect medication, deal with emergencies, reading letters, filling out forms 

* Nursing duties – including administer medication, night care, booking appointments 

* Emotional support – to the cared for or / and other family members 


By taking on caring responsibilities young carers may be affected in three main areas 

1. Education – poor punctuality, absenteeism, poor grades, homework issues, bullying 

2. Social – problems making friends, taking part in after school clubs, low confidence, low self-esteem, inappropriate behaviour, 

3. Health – physical health, mental health, emotional health, sleeping pattern 


As a school we offer support sessions for children who have been identified as Young Carers. This gives them the opportunity to talk about their feelings and concerns, either individually or as part of a small group alongside other children who have had similar experiences. 


If you think your child may be a young carer you can speak to the school’s Welfare and Safeguarding Officer, Mrs Devi or our Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion, Miss Wynter on 0121 553 1573. Alternatively, your child can talk to Mrs Talbot during the school day. You can also contact Sandwell Young Carers on 0121 525 8002 or check their website at


Quotes from 2 children from Holy Trinity who are young carers. They talk about their experiences with Sandwell Young Carers Family Centre.



Is your child a young carer?

Holy Trinity is working alongside Sandwell Young Carers to identify and support children who help to care for a family member.  Have a look at our presentation to find out more or visit the Sandwell Young Carers website

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