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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

“Every child, every chance, every day.”

Mental Health and Well-being

Well-Being for the Holy Trinity School Community (Pupils, parents and staff)


At Holy Trinity we are working with the Health Department and Sandwell Inclusion Support Service to look at our whole school approaches to promoting positive mental health, with a strong emphasis on prevention and early intervention.

In 2016 we achieved the Sandwell Well-Being Charter Mark which looks at eight principles identified by Public Health England as being important to emotional health and well-being.

They are: Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, Pupil Voice, Staff Development, Identifying Needs and Monitoring Impact, Working with Parents, Targeted Support and Ethos & Environment.

"By engaging in this project, school is showing a dedication to addressing this need in an exciting and creative way."  Sandwell Inclusion Support


Ethos and Environment

Our Vision at Holy Trinity is to create a community where all in our care and in our partnerships experience life in its fullness, as promised by Jesus.  We embrace the spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, moral and social development of our young people. 


Over time we have sort to make the most of our buildings and grounds to ensure that they offer places to learn, enjoy life, making lasting memories and to build habits that allow pupils to maintain a healthy wellbeing as they grow into adulthood. 


During lunchtimes at Holy Trinity pupils of mixed age groups sit together in our dining hall to enjoy a family style meal.  This is spread over 2 hours to allow more time for a relaxed dining experience . 


We have made sure that small games equipment is available at playtimes and lunchtime and have added fixed climbing frames, gym equipment, a multi-use games court and a trim trail to the grounds.


Our Peace Garden and pond provide a space to relax and reflect, this area is used during taught sessions or in free time when a learning mentor is on duty to supervise.




Curriculum, Teaching and Learning

The curriculum provides time for teaching about the importance of wellbeing through PSHE.  Pastoral support is available to all pupils who need something extra and pupils can access this in a number of ways.  Staff also refer pupils for pastoral support.


The behaviour management system used in school ensures that disruption is low and allows learning time to be maximised.  Pupils enjoy the rewards available to them for their good behaviour.  Pupils display good learning behaviours and receive certificates for displaying these at Bronze, Silver and Gold levels.


Staff make the most of opportunities to learn in the outside areas at Holy Trinity, these are constantly being developed and pupils say that they enjoy learning outside the classroom.


Pupil Voice

Regular pupils surveys and conferencing show that pupils are happy and feel safe at Holy Trinity. Pupils are able to identify members of staff they could talk to if they were upset or in need of support. Pupils also discussed how the jobs they were allowed to take on made them feel special because of the application process and the fact that not everyone was able to do these jobs. 





Working with Parents and Carers

Parents are very positive about Holy Trinity, emphasising how supported they feel by the school on a daily basis when they are in need of emotional support.  Parents report that they feel listened to and really appreciate the help and guidance provided by the Welfare and Safeguarding Officer. 

Parents enjoy attending workshops at school that support them to support their children with early literacy, reading, phonics and maths. 

Holy Trinity offers volunteering opportunities for parents which can allow them to develop the skills needed to access employment.

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Both of our e-safety pages have been revamped and can be found under the parents and children tabs on the menu bar.