"You are precious and honoured in God's sight."
Isaiah 43:4
At Holy Trinity we believe that all people are precious and honoured in God’s sight. From this belief comes a desire for all in our care and in our partnerships to experience life in all its fullness, as promised by Jesus.
We embrace the spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, moral and social development of our young people.
All that we do is underpinned by the modelling and promotion of six core values. These are: Peace, Hope, Friendship, Respect, Honesty and Forgiveness.
We offer a vision of human flourishing for all, one that embraces excellence and academic rigor, but sets them in a wider framework.
School Aims
For pupils to achieve well in school, conditions for learning need to be strong. At Holy Trinity C of E we believe that all pupils need to be nurtured. They need to be in a place where all of their basic needs of warmth, nutrition and safety have been met and that they are reassured that these needs will continue to be met. Once learners feel comfortable, inspiration can provide motivation for learning. Inspiration for individuals can come from many different sources at different times - from parents, staff, peers, objects, success yesterday or even from the pupils themselves! Once these two conditions are right for pupils, those around them can 'pass on' skills and knowledge needed to enable pupils to do what they want to do. When all these conditions are right pupils will achieve well!