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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

“Every child, every chance, every day.”

Boot Camp - Exercise for families

You asked us for help and advice with exercise for families and so we are bringing you our new, FREE


                                                  Holy Trinity Boot Camp        


These fun fitness sessions will be open to parents and their children. Children in Reception and Years 1 to 4 will need a parent to join in the session with them, children in Years 5 and 6 may join the session alone although their parents are still very welcome to take part.


We hope to start our Boot Camps after the Easter Holidays from Wednesday 13th April. You are invited to join us for one or more of the sessions run by our Sports Coach. Wear trainers and something comfortable and wake up your day with an invigorating workout. We intend to exercise outside on our playing field unless the weather is particularly bad when we will move indoors.  


Places are limited so book now.  Enquire at the school office or with Mrs Roberts.         


Further details will follow, watch this space.         

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