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Primary School

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Holy Trinity C of E

Primary School

“Every child, every chance, every day.”

Our Chicks!

On Monday we were very egg-cited!  We had some eggs delivered for us to look after.  Miss Lewis put them in the incubator to keep them warm.  We couldn't wait to see if they would hatch!

On Wednesday morning, we had a fantastic surprise!  3 of the eggs had hatched over night!  When the teachers got to school, another chick started to hatch out.  By the time the children arrived at school, we had 4 chicks!  They were very small, very fluffy and very cute!  They had to stay in the incubator for 24 hours.  

On Thursday morning, we had another surprise!  Two more of chicks had hatched over night!  Now we had 6 chicks!  We noticed that the two new chicks were a very bright yellow, this meant that they were boys.  The first four chicks were a darker colour, this meant that they were girls! 

On Thursday afternoon, we moved the first 4 chicks into their brooding box as they were ready to come out of the incubator!  They loved their new home and started eating their food and drinking their water!

Later on in the afternoon, another chick hatched out of it's egg!  We were so pleased as this was the first one the children had been able to watch hatch.  This little chick was a boy.  Now we have 7 chicks!


Friday Morning


Today it is a snow day!  We couldn't go into school and see our little chicks!  Mr Penney is looking after them for us!  The boys are now in the brooder box and we think 2 more eggs are about to hatch!  We will keep you updated! smiley

Friday afternoon - Update!


Another chick has just hatched this afternoon!  Now we have 8 chicks! We think it might be a boy and he is still very exhausted and a little wobbly on his feet.  He is enjoying keeping warm and resting in the very quiet classroom!

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